Trying out a new lens, Oct. 21 2024
Published @ 25 Oct 2024 at 21:37:28 -07:00

I recently got myself a treat — Canon's EFS 17-55mm f/2.8 zoom lens. I'd heard good things about it, found myself wanting a lens that was at least somewhat closer than the 100-400, and one thing led to another... 🤷

Anyways. It's pretty good! Feels almost like playing on easy mode — I was particularly shocked that I was able to get a good photo at 1/20s exposure while holding the camera in one hand at arm's length.

Unfortunately, I forgot to also get a UV filter, so lost a few opportunities due to severely blown out skies. At the same time though, there's this neat effect where you get blue light spilling over onto the things next to the sky, which tends to look wonderfully surreal.

Regardless, not quite my best work on this one, but Posting Will Continue.

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